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Community Centred organization
An organization in which members/employees are centred and committed to the goals and values of the organization. They exhibit a sense of place by furthering the mission of the organization. Through a sense of community the members have a sense of how their values are aligned with the organization. Employees exude a passion for the organization and are in partnership with the organization.

Community Consultation
The goal of community consultation is to allow participants to co-create a future distinct from the present.

This requires carefully worded questions that matter and it begs for a shift in thinking. There are several methods to achieve this, here are three:

  • World Café
  • Gallery Walk
  • Group Facilitation

Dialogue what is it?
The word “dialogue” comes from the Greek “dial-logos” which means “the flow of meaning through or among us.”
-- William Isaacs, Dialogic Leadership.

Dialogue is a conversation that takes the energy of our differences and channel it toward something that might never have been created before. It is a creative and living experience in which everyone is equally responsible for the process and the outcome.
-- Adapted from William Isaacs, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together.

Strategic Planning
An opportunity to revisit the directions of the company and set a detailed plan for the future. A good strategic plan should take approximately 4 days to process and develop. A strategic plan usually last for about 5 years.

Vision Statement
There are 2 types of vision statements 1) global vision and 2) practical vision which fits with the 5 year strategic plan.

Global vision statement is a desired state; make big and bold.

Practical vision statement is what you want to achieve within a certain timeframe; e.g. what would you like to see in 5 years

Mission statement
Your mission is what you exist to do; the gap your organization fill in society. The statement should be one statement and easy to remember and repeat.

These initiatives are how you will achieve your mission and vision statements; goals should follow the acronym – S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound)
e.g We will design a computer back-up system by November 30, 2009;

Strategy or strategic directions
Is the process that sets the direction for moving forward and requires commitment and creativity by the group. It addresses the barriers to achieving the goals.
e.g we will design a flowchart to address the lack of communication between the two departments. (lack of communication is the barrier and the flowchart is the strategy)

Action plan
These are the detailed timelines in which you will achieve your goals – who will do what and by what time. When diarizing an action plan it is recommended that the due date by listed.

Community Development
Is a process of sharing hopes, desires, dreams with a number of people within a defined area. A major element of community development is "human change" and effectively managing that change. Given this major element it is important that the "right" people are included in the process.

Ladder of Citizen Participation
Is the level at which participants want to be involved in the process. Some participants might only need information whereas others might want full responsibility and involvement.

Effective Meeting Management
Requires the group first to decide how decisions will be made – Robert's Rules or Consensus or a combination. It is also necessary to know the mandate of the meeting – why are you meeting.

Robert's rules
Require a majority vote. The major benefit is the process is linear.

Requires participants understand the process and the language of consensus, for example, "I don't agree but I will not block the decision or undermine the outcome." The major benefit of Consensus decisions is that it creates commitment to the process and outcome.

Is a group of participants working toward a common goal. Team building creates strategies for team effectiveness and performance

Is someone who accesses the wisdom of the group or individual toward the desired outcome.

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