Each workshop is participatory, interactive and has learning objectives. Through exercises and discussion you will leave with new or renewed assets to these topics. For complete information about content and process please contact Angela at 604-522-1492/1-877-522-1492 or
Time Distribution
We all crave the need to manage time or create more hours in the day to accommodate everything we have to do. Unfortunately, time is a fixed entity. Each of us has 168 hours in the week, it does not change to suit our needs. Therefore, we can't manage time. What we can do is manage how we distribute our activities and energy to have the best possible outcome within those 168 hours.
Assess how you currently distribute your activities paying close attention to the time you have for energy regeneration.
- What time of day are you at your best
- Assess what needs to be done, daily, weekly, monthly
- Assess what can be delegated
- Re-organize the hours left over for the greatest impact
Stress, What Stress?
I am so stressed out I can barely think! How often have we made this statement? What do we mean, how do we get to this stage of stressed, what are the signs, how do we relieve the stress? Do we feel as though there is a negative social stigma if we are not busy and stressed?
Your assets: assessing your triggers, recognizing what stress does to the body and brain, strategies to prevent getting to the point of saying "I'm so stressed out!"
Customer Engagement
Customer interaction affects the company's bottom line, builds customer loyalty or not, and create employee sense of well being.
We will explore who is your customer, how to interact with challenging customers, how to assess the customer's perception and more. Bring your stories.
Your assets: skills to read your customer, sharing power and creating an atmosphere to make your customer the focus of your attention.
Self Esteem, Do I need it?
We often talk about having or not having enough self-esteem. What is self-esteem, what makes it important? We will explore these and other questions toward building and strengthening your self-esteem.
Who should take this workshop? Anyone who is concerned about the ability to assert self or feel as though there is a lack of courage to take risks. Or, anyone who is in a supervisory position or planning to go into a supervisory position.
Your assets: supportive self-evaluation, understanding the benefits of a positive self-esteem and strategies to build a positive self-esteem.
Conflict Management and Appreciation
Conflict, the word in itself creates conflict, some like it, others don't and others are neutral. Regardless of how we approach conflict it is with us to stay. How we manage it is the pivotal point to appreciating conflict and its many components.
We will define conflict, assess triggers, examine communication strategies to communicate through the conflict situation and learn the different styles of conflict management.
System Strategies
Life is a series of systems; how these systems interact depend on us as individuals and those within our sphere of influence. In our work environment we often think of team building, working together as a team but seldom do we think of a team within a set of systems.
Your assets: the characteristics of a team, advantages and disadvantages, what is meant by a systems approach to building effective teams, and the dangers of groupthink.
Training Designed for You
Let Angela design a training program to meet the needs of your organization. Work with Angela to cover areas unique to your situation for the best outcome.